Skill Share: Creating a Business That Feeds your Soul

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The vision is always to create a business that is fun, that is on purpose, that gives you freedom, abundance, and leadership.
The magic is to land the idea.
The work is to make it take hold.
The smarts are to make it come alive in the market and maybe even go viral - that's what we call success.

But is it?
The truth is, that on top of many success ladders, even free range ones, there are often lonely and frustrated entrepreneurs.
The truth is that success, as we sometimes imagine it, is not as rewarding as we imagined.
What if this is just more of the same old paradigm?
What if there is a better way?
A more creative way?
A way relies on the craziest, not the most sensible idea.
That relies on forces beyond what you can create by hard work?
That taps into your destiny, instead of your purpose?

In 2004, before digital nomads were even 'a thing', Jade Richardson created a tiny charitable mountaineering business which quickly went from a backroom daydream into a million-dollar project that involved multi-nationals, celebrities, and major corporations.

How did she do it?
By tapping into a power greater than ideas or effort - she can show you how.

About the speaker:
Jade Richardson is a scholar, writer, creativity coach and headed of one of Australia's most successful and radical leadership programs for seven years. Her writing has appeared in Penthouse, Marie Claire, Vogue, The Australian and others. She is a researcher in myth, archetype, creativity, and culture, and has coached authors, writers, and entrepreneurs in Bali, Australia, Thailand and Ecuador in her unique process of accessing genius through creativity.