Bali Bungkus: Appreciative Inquiry – A Perspective on Change

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By attending this talk, you will get to know Appreciative Inquiry (AI) as a perspective on change. What’s the difference with other perrspectives, and why is it important that you get to know more about it? 

The talk will reveal where AI comes from and what makes it a perspective. You will also discover how an AI-proces works and its basic principles. And you will get to know what this all means for leadership. 

You should joing Igor's Google Hangout talk if Appreciative Inquiry is new to you, or you’ve heard of it but you’re not really familiar with it, then this talk is an excellent opportunity to broaden your horizon. 

Igor Geubbelmans is consultant in organisational and team development. He works from the perspective of Appreciative Inquiry and guides organisations and teams in their development, and therefore in change. 
He’s also a Certified Management Drives Partner © . Management Drives is a tool that starts from personal profiles and shows what drives persons and teams. It makes people aware of their own behaviour and helps to move forward and grow to excellence. All this in an appreciative way. 
For more than 14 years, he worked as head of the cultural department in a town in Belgium, where he was a teamleader of 50 people and learned to be a leader in change.