Skill Share: Make 2019 the Year to Create the Work you Love

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Get inspired to create the work you love. Explore you personal drive and motivation and realise what is blocking you. Understand and feel how to create a work life that serves you.
Allow yourself to be honest with yourself and tune into your why. Create a great work life that allows you to thrive and be the best version of yourself.

Participate if you are unclear about your next steps in your career, if you are not fully aligned with what you do, if you are looking for guidance in a transition phase, if you want to be empowered and encouraged.

Niv guides people to create the work they love. He supports them to find out more about their purpose , their skills and themselves.
He is a coach for over 5 years and and he loves what he does. This was not always the case. 10 years ago he could not stand his 9-5 job anymore and changed his life.
He believes that we often try to fit us into small boxes. We need to trust us more to create the worklife we want. You create your destiny and you can chose once you are aware.