Bali Bungkus: Creating Value Part 2

This event is for members only. Find out more about membership (including Events Only membership) at

This is an introductionary course for everyone and having attended the first talk is not essential.

This workshop is the continuation of previous week's Value Proposition Canvas (an essential part of the Business Model Canvas) It will use customer profiles (pains and gains) to better understand how to create maximum value for customers/clients.

The workshop will be highly interactive and therefore you will not need any prior knowledge of the tool being used. This workshop is for anyone who is interested in gaining more insights into their customers and/or clients with the aim to provide a better service or product.

Often, business owners and leaders can lose sight of their client or customers’ needs without realising. In addition, the value proposition that launched the company or organisation can become outdated due to a whole range of factors. The Value Proposition Canvas is a fantastic tool to assist leaders to deeply consider the experience of their customers or clients, and how these can be used in the creation of winning value propositions. This workshop is highly interactive and will take you through the process of customer profiling for value proposition design.

Bianca Raby is an educator and entrepreneur with a passion for thinking differently about business. She has an B.Ed and MBA and has worked in government, NFPs, startups and recently as a strategy consultant in higher education. This broad set of professional experiences and 12 years of facilitation experience ensures her workshops are interactive and highly engaging. Bianca is Australian but has adopted a digital nomad life for a few months in order to build a digital education consultancy and work on an alternative K-12 education model for Australian families. She is in Bali to work with a new business partner on a dynamic online course in Service Learning for high school students.