Skill Share: Hack Your Energy – Working Smarter Not Harder

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Human beings aren’t meant to operate like machines — at high speeds, continuously, for long periods. We have natural rhythms that influence our energy hour to hour, day to day, and month to month. When we understand these rhythms in ourselves and start to work with the natural ebb and flow of our energy and attention, we unlock the potential for more energy, productivity, focus, and creativity. During this workshop, Vix will guide you through what the research says about our ultradian, circadian and infradian rhythms then equip you with practical tools to put this knowledge into practice in your own life.

What you will learn:

- How to plan using your natural energy cycles for greater focus and productivity
- How to optimise tasks to match your energy
- How to start and end your day to maximise your energy and focus
- How to take better breaks
In other words, how to work smarter not harder.

Vix Anderton is a wellbeing coach, yoga teacher, and an inclusive leadership and gender expert.She has been on a transformational journey over the past few years. One that has led her from serving in the Royal Air Force to a powerful place where she is  connected deeply to her own feminine energy and can draw on a wealth of experience and traditions to inspire, teach, and support others on their journey.
Through her platform, The Practical Balance [], Vix helps entrepreneurs of all flavours learn to tune into their natural rhythms, get clear on their values, vision and the things that are important to them. She believes in managing your energy, not your time. Balancing your energies, moving between being and doing, is the key to unlocking your potential. Vix helps people who feel frustrated, disorganized or overwhelmed, like they have untapped potential, stuck in a rut, or are going around in circles live balanced and fulfilled lives. People who work with her learn how to recognize what is good enough, how to take the small steps towards big goals, and to let go of the thoughts, beliefs, and behaviours that are no longer serving them.