Filmmakers Meet-Up

This event is for Hubud members only or by Hubud Member invite. If you want to learn more about Hubud memberships (Including our event-only membership) visit

This event is all about the art of visual storytelling and inspiring each other. Filmmaker Joo Peter will give an introduction on his latest projects, covering traditional Asian culture in documentary film. While visual storytelling will be this meet-up’s major topic, discussions around gear, software, networking and marketing are just as relevant and appreciated. To nurture the discussion and broaden horizons, participants are more than welcome to present their latest projects as well!

Joo Peter is a German artist, travelling Asia for 15 years already. He studied at Art Academy Stuttgart and film school of Berlin-Babelsberg. From 1990-2002 he worked for designing theatre stages, costume and lighting. Since 2003 he is teaching art. Joo Peter has been travelling Asia for years with the purpose of exploring traditional culture as photographer and filmmaker.