Skill Share: Articulate Your Message in Short Format

The art of impactful public speaking

When less is actually more: The shorter the format, the more it challenges you as well as gives you the opportunity to refine and clarify your message. TEDx, Pechakucha, fuck-up nights,... These formats require a special type of preparation. Preparation and reflexion are inversely proportional to the duration of the talk! This talk will bring you through the different steps, opportunities and potential pitfalls.

What You'll Learn:
- The different steps to an impactful short talk
- The different levels to navigate in your talk to make it memorable
- The common mistakes
- The broader opportunity to clarify your vision and message
- How to use this work into the service of your communication and website organization

Skill Level: Beginner

About the speaker:
Helene Schmit is a former TEDx speaker and has then been coaching other TEDx speakers by joining the organization team. She has also given multiple Pecha Kucha talks as well as many longer format conferences and workshops. She is a born storyteller with a talent to help people make their story emerge, clarify their vision and translate it into a powerful message. In this talk, she will share her experience as a coach and speaker’s coach.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 50 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to