Skill Share: document management, accounting and tax

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Alexander will present problems and solutions related to three different topics: document management, accounting and tax.
This Skill Share session takes place with the objective that proposals, ideas and solutions will be discussed among the participants, especially because these topics and related experiences can drastically change depending on people's situations and countries. 
Alexander is still struggling about these topics since he began to work independently and he's looking for an open discussion that can bring some clarity.

.What you'll learn:
- how to handle a huge number of documents as freelancer and/or entrepreneur, since there is the need to keep them for a long time
- practicing methods and systems that help to handle documents as a digital nomad
- to do proper accounting, since it is the base for the tax declaration 

About the speaker:
Alexander started his first self-employment trial in the sector of it-services, after a MA in Physics. Later, realizing that he needed to specialize, Alexander did a course in Software Engineering. After this decision he felt that something more was needed in order to have good chances out in the market. That's the reason why he pursued both a BA and a MA in Computer Science. His first well paid project was finally for BMW, one decade after he became self-employed.