Skill Share: Youtube Monetization in Real Life

3 actual ways to make a living with Youtube.

“Youtube is not serious and you can’t make money from it”. That was said to him 3 years ago and he almost believed it. In this presentation, you will learn real ways to make money from Youtube, how to start your own Channel and how to grow a loyal following.

What You'll Learn:
- 3 ways to make money using Youtube
- The Basics to start a Youtube Channel
- How to create real fans that will pay you money.

About the speaker:
Jordi Wu was born in Barcelona. He is an author and life coach with a Youtube channel with over 240K followers.

Youtube Channel:

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 50 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to