Entrepreneurial Think Thank: LeaveNo Trash

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The project has been created by Sitraka in March 2018: LeaveNoTrash is a Zero Waste Travel guide, but not exclusively. Sitraka is sharing her personal experiences and findings with easy and useful tips on how to leave no trash behind you (at least less trash) when travelling. Sitraka’s vision is to publish Zero Waste and Eco Travel guides. She also wants to inspire people with beautiful stories of change-makers working towards Zero Waste in their hometowns. And most importantly, she wants to build a "leave no trash" community and bring awareness, in a positive way, on how our health and the places we visit are impacted by our travel behaviors. For that reason, Sitraka started delivering talks and skill shares about Zero Waste travelling. 
LeaveNoTrash’s motto is “Travel global, Act local”: we can wander globally and be conscious of the environmental footprints we leave behind.

Sitraka needs help with:
- social media strategies: how to get the most out of the social medias? How to reach out to more people? How to keep them engaged?
- content: how to deliver attractive messages about Zero Waste that can be perceived as a “serious” and challenging topic? 
- look and feel: how to make the blog more interactive?
- ideas: any other inputs to improve the blog’s contents and visibility, and the activities around LeaveNoTrash (besides the talks)

For (but not only):
- everyone who wants to contribute to the LeaveNoTrash adventure, who loves to travel, who has a creative soul, who wants to give back and who wants a better planet
- social media savvy
- bloggers with SEO expertise, but not exclusively
- communications wizards
- graphic designers, UI/UX designers
- videographers

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