Bali Bungkus: Intro to Facebook Ads
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Facebook has over 2 billion active users and likely a platform where your audience hangs out, especially if they are an older demographic. The primary benefit of using Facebook Ads is to create a system that gets you more customers and clients at a predictable growth.
This is a beginner-friendly workshop for those who want to get their first Facebook Ad campaign started but don’t know where to begin.
What you'll learn:
In this workshop, Bunty will take you from the high-level concepts to the technical nuts & bolts to get you started with your first ad campaign so you’ll know:
1. How nailing down your customer avatar makes or breaks a campaign
2. How to reach your audience who has already consumed your content
3. How to avoid analysis paralysis by rapidly producing engaging ad content
4. How to measure and gauge what campaigns are or aren’t working
About the speaker:
Bunty is a Facebook Ad Strategist who identifies how Facebook Ads work for your business by looking at marketing goals holistically and architecting the ad campaign around the funnel. He specializes in lead gen and has worked with a variety of businesses including eComm, SaaS, affiliate marketing, a membership site, and local business.
Based in SEA (currently Bali), Bunty spends most of time living & breathing (and sometimes dreaming) about marketing. He is currently working on a productized service providing Facebook Ads for cleaning companies.