Skill Share: Landing Page & Newsletter Optimization

Practical Tips to skyrocket your email marketing.

Email marketing is one of the marketing disciplines with the highest ROI. Still, most people get it wrong. Newsletters get low opening rates, the content leads to bad click through rates, and people unsubscribe often. And even worse, most people fail at building awesome landing pages and funnels to build their lists in the first place. In his talk, Nils will show you bullshit-free, real-life-proven tactics to do win at email marketing.

Skill Level: Beginner.

What you'll learn:
• Why email marketing is one of the best marketing channels.
• How to generate new subscribers on a daily basis – without being terrible or annoying.
• How to create a great landing page for email list building.
• Why you shouldn’t use (exit intent) overlays, and what to use instead.
• Why offering vouchers in return for an email address is a bad idea.
• How to get people through your funnel.
• Why #GDPR is your best friend (at least in this scenario.)
• How to increase opening rates and click rates for your emails.
• What you can do so that almost nobody will unsubscribe from your newsletter.
• And much more.

About the speaker:
Nils Kattau is one of the leading conversion optimization experts. Since 2004, he has run 2,000+ A/B/n-tests for more than 300 companies and built one of the biggest agencies specialized in conversion optimization. Since leaving his agency in 2016, he’s been focusing on his own projects and online marketing events.

He is co- author of several books about conversion optimization, online marketing, and growth hacking. Each year, he speaks on the stages of many popular conferences and well-known companies. Nils frequently shares his knowledge in webinars and social media. Also, he is the CRO university lecturer for Google’s first European Digital Marketing Degree. Nils works with brands like Facebook, Airbnb, PayPal, Amazon Audible and ebay with the goal to improve their conversions or knowledge in the field.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is for Hubud and Dojo members only with 10 limited spots for public. If you want to join this event, please register at Hubud Front Desk or send us an email to and kindly mention if you’re an active members or non members.